Namespace Pidgin.Expression
The associativity of the binary operator: left-associative, right-associative, or non-associative
Contains tools for parsing expression languages with associative infix operators.
To get started, write a Parser<TToken, T>, to parse an atomic term in your expression language, and use the Operator class to create a table of operator parsers in order of their precedence. Then call one of the Build<TToken, T>(Parser<TToken, T>, IEnumerable<OperatorTableRow<TToken, T>>) overloads to compile the table of operators into a Parser<TToken, T>.
Methods to create OperatorTableRow<TToken, T> values.
OperatorTableRow<TToken, T>
Represents a row in a table of operators. Contains a collection of parsers for operators at a single precendence level.
The type of the unary operator: prefix or postfix